This domain used to point to a forum instead of this blog site, and was the community project for a group of IRL friends who all spent a lot of time on the internet.   Please remember that, at the time, Twitter and Tumblr didn’t exist.  Eventually, everyone realized how redundant operating a webforum was, and moved on to Facebook and Twitter and Tumblr.

The site’s administrator, (That Awful) Nick, remains – and still thinks blogging is cool for some idiotic reason.  Maybe he’ll grow out of it.  (Maybe he also just doesn’t want to find the password for his domain provider’s website to cancel it, too.)

If you want, here are some other websites where you can send Nick some hate messages:

Twitter: ThatAwfulNick
Favstar: ThatAwfulNick

Instagram: ThatAwfulNick
Steam: ThatAwfulNick

YouTube: ThatAwfulNick
Tumblr: ThatAwfulNick

Last updated: 01 May, 2017